Decision dominance enabled across domains.
Awareness Synthesis
Synthesize disparate cross-modal information for consumable understanding and action.
Accelerated Decisions
Speed planning, coordination, and execution of workflows.
Scalable Deployments
Flexible, footprint-optimized integrations from edge to operations centers.
Adaptive Perception
Open and modular architecture enables resilient multi-domain awareness.
Scale Operability

Scalable for use across echelons and geographies, from operations centers to capital assets and to the tactical edge, MDAA uses and deconflicts classified, unclassified, and commercial data within existing processes.

Extend Awareness

MDAA enhances situational awareness and streamlines decision-making by leveraging AI/ML for meaningful anomaly detection, expediting insights, and reducing cognitive loads on personnel.

Safeguard Data

MDAA employs rigorous data protection with native zero-day endpoint protection and zero-trust features to ensure trustworthiness and resilience.

Augment Sensing

MDAA adds value to existing systems with the capacity to augment hardware sensing platforms with AI domain awareness for more complete target detection and classification.

Automate Explainability

MDAA supports the investigation of AI model insights to eliminate black boxes and model update/management as battlefield information evolves and automates data veracity functionality.

Enhance Systems

MDAA is designed to enhance and augment existing and emergent systems. MDAA is hardware, domain UI, datatype, and deployment agnostic and implements an Agile and modular containerized software framework with Kubernetes.

As threat levels continue to evolve and become more complex in
nature, reliable data collection is imperative, as is the need for rapid domain awareness collaboration and dissemination networks.

But the proliferation of sensors and excess data quantities can cause a significant strain on operational cognitive loads and bandwidth, creating gaps that can adversely affect command timelines and leave space for uncertainty in the decision-making process across contested multi-domain operations. Without effective data processing mechanisms in place, there is significant risk of misinformation hindering outcomes.

Avathon’s Multi-Domain Awareness Advisor (MDAA) is a scalable artificial intelligence (AI)-based and hardware-agnostic software suite built on a modular technology stack conceived to integrate multi-INT data for use by analysts and warfighters. MDAA integrates with and enhances existing systems and user interfaces while operating across disparate data types including textual data sources in multiple languages, multi-physics sensor networks, and multi-domain manned and unmanned platforms.
Via normal behavior modeling, MDAA helps operators achieve decision dominance while shortening OODA loops and/or Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, Assess, Disseminate (F3EAD) cycles. Additionally, it can manage or enhance deployed AI models using machine learning based on battlefield conditions and real-time sensor data backhaul and synthesis while integrating with existing systems.

  • Distributed anomaly detection.
  • Agile software architecture facilitates integration across systems and domains.
  • Compounded impact of orchestrated AI-classes processing across varied data-sets.
  • Relevant alerts indicated to command and control watch-standers.
  • Enhanced domain awareness across echelons in shortened timescales.

Proven For High-value Mission Sets


Avathon’s Multi-Domain Awareness Advisor (MDAA) is a scalable artificial intelligence (AI)-based and hardware-agnostic software suite built on a modular technology stack conceived to integrate multi-INT data for use by analysts and warfighters.

In USMC Maritime Recon / Counter Recon exercise deployments, Avathon MDAA analyzed 40K+ Automated
Identification Systems (AIS) observations. 19 vessels were identified as engaging in AIS spoofing by MDAA.